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About Musical Education and Appreciation 

February 17, 2020 February 2020 No Comments

The UK Government has recently pledged a staggering £85m for music education in schools. School Standards Minister, Nick Gibbs, said “we want all children to be leaving school able to read and write music, and to have been introduced to a wide range of musical traditions. Today’s funding announcement is designed to help our schools deliver that ambition. Government-backed hubs will provide lessons to ensure that all pupils have access to musical education, instruments and opportunities to play”. This generous grant is partly in response to a perception that music education has become the preserve of the privileged as more schools discontinue offering it because of demands of other subjects and the cost of private music lessons. Daily Telegraph 16/01/20

There is a huge archive of music cartoons on the internet.  Someone who benefits from this proposed comprehensive UK music education programme would certainly get the joke in the accompanying cartoon.  They would not confuse the symbol for a sharp in music notation with the hashtag symbol (#metoo). They will also have an appreciation of music which will allow an awareness of one’s own musical culture. 

Organisations which have charitable status like Martinborough Music Festival (MMF) are required to include an educational component in their operations. The MMF approach focuses on music appreciation.

Ed Allen, who leads the MMF education programme says “our aim is to raise awareness of live performance of classical music; not to fear it, or dismiss it, but to enjoy it. Along with that, to inspire young people to get involved, learn to play an instrument”. 

On learning an instrument, Ed continues “I cannot emphasise enough the need for a positive home environment. It is necessary for parents to support the students and encourage them to practise at home and help them to get to their classes or lessons. There are so many activities for young people to become involved in, yet few have the lifelong rewards of learning a musical instrument;  not only the appreciation of music as an important part of our culture but also learning physical, social and mental skills”. 

The two “music in schools” programmes run by MMF were popular. The students who  attended were interested and engaged.  MMF has two clarinets available to loan if anyone is interested in wanting to learn this instrument. Contact Ed Allen 021 687 420.

Music lovers and others can be assured of a varied, melodious and exhilarating experience at the MMF later this year. Programme details available April. MMF Dates: Friday 25 – Sunday 27 September 2020  www.martinboroughmusicfestival.co.nz


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