Alternative wastewater options for Martinborough growth
By Karen Krogh – Martinborough Community Board
Currently, SWDC is not able to accept any new connections to the central wastewater system for Martinborough. This obviously puts the brakes on development.
This situation is not expected to be resolved for several years.
Planning for a solution to this, and to the multiple other water infrastructure projects urgently requiring to be resolved in our region, is now with a project called “Local Water Done Well.”
A dedicated team from the four Wairarapa District Councils including Tararua are working together to design an organisation to manage our combined urban water, sewerage and stormwater as a stand-alone entity with councils as shareholders.
It seems as though this is a better approach that the previous one which has lead us down some very expensive blind alleys. The fix on the ground, however. will be some time away.
In the Wairarapa Combined District Plan – on the topic of wastewater – Subdivision rule SUB-S4 -Matters of Discretion – states: “3. Where a central system is unavailable, all allotments must be provided with a septic tank, soakage field, or an approved alternative means to dispose of sewage in a sanitary manner within the net site area of the allotment in accordance with Council’s engineering standards.”
The Community Board requests that our council assess available options and provide any that are suitable and the rules around them so that new builds can be consented in suitable situations. Each proposal will obviously be site-specific.
MBIE have a document which gives guidance on the legislation around this:
Building Performance – Onsite disposal of wastewater
Several local authorities are consenting on-site stand-alone WW systems. Gisborne City Council is just one of several I am aware of.
It is essential for continued growth and development to be possible in Martinborough Village.
We cannot simply pause any development for the many years until the new infrastructure is in place.
A town which cannot grow will inevitably decline.
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