By Councillor Aidan Ellims
There have been a number of consultations where the Council has asked you to provide submissions on different topics and thanks to everyone who has sent in submissions. Since August, council staff and councillors have been working on the Long Term Plan which will be consulted on early next year.
At our last Council meeting on 20 November, we received a petition signed by over 1,000 residents, as well as hearing from other residents about the impacts and concerns they have regarding the rates increases over recent years.
As a result of this meeting and petition, councillors and staff are working with folks involved in the petition to share information about the process that we are taking to work through the LTP, to show the projects and priorities we are working with, as well as focusing on reducing rates increases.
Over two years ago when I stood for election, I commented that “there will always be increases in rates, however, we need to be smart as to what is funded with those increases.” … Continue Reading
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