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Grass Seeds

October 3, 2018 October 2018 No Comments

Spring is in the air and it is grass seed season again! Those nasty little devils can cause a lot of discomfort to your pet. They have a very pointed barbed end which allows it to easily become embedded in your pet’s skin. They can become lodged in paws, under the tail, armpit or groin region.  Their ears are also very susceptible to collecting grass seeds, likewise the eyes, as dogs enjoy rubbing their face in the grass.

All dogs can be affected by grass seeds, but they cause more of a problem in breeds with long hair and fluffy toes that enjoy bounding through long grass, such as springer spaniels, beardies and many more. 

It is a good idea for owners to check the danger areas of their dogs with long hair, in particular the feet and ears; especially if you have walked through areas with long grass. One way to help protect your long haired friend is to have them groomed/trimmed in the summer months. 

I f your dog has been affected by a grass seed it may show signs of discomfort such as limping or shaking of the head. You may notice a swelling under the skin and your dog may be irritated and licking at a certain area. If you notice a grass seed stuck in the coat best thing to do is to pull it out immediately.  Grass seeds have one way barbs so can only travel forwards not backwards, migrating to different areas of the body causing damage.  

Occasionally the vet may not be able to find the seed (it may have popped out the other side of the foot, or migrated too far to be followed) but without exploring, they won’t know whether the seed is still there and is the cause of the swelling/infection, or if the infection/swelling is present because the seed WAS there!  The lengthy procedure can be very frustrating for the owner AND the vet…never mind the dog.

If the seed lodges in the ear you may notice constant head shaking, the ear will be painful to touch and there may be discharge; if the grass seed is deep in the ear canal, your dog may need to be sedated to remove it, as having one stuck can be incredibly painful for your dog and may result in the ear drum rupturing.

So while you’re at the beauty salon removing your winter growth drop your dog off at the groomers to get rid of theirs!

South Wairarapa Vets

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