Will these newly-founds increase rates take?
Peering over hedges and up South Wairarapa town driveways has seen council officials uncover what may _ or may not _ turn out to be a small, extra rating windfall.
A month of urban snooping, the first leg of the process under way, has helped unearth some “approximately 120 properties” that do not appear in council records.
These property owners should brace for an official letter asking them to “please explain” the “additional dwelling that are not reflected in our (council) records.”
In other words, are these newly-unearthed premises in fact dwellings that have _ for whatever reason _ fallen outside the council’s financial scoop-net?
SWDC said in a brief statement the request will enable it to “understand the nature and use of the dwellings, so our records along with those of QV (Quotable Value) can be updated as needed.
QV holds the main recording system for the rating system used by councils.
It notes upgrading the system with this fresh information will add to the equity and fairness of the current rating system _ which some householders have noted has increased rates an average of 95 percent over five years.
Why rural properties are excluded from the “survey” has not been explained.
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