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February 10, 2014 February 2014 No Comments

Why do the trees have such nobbly knees –
Does it help them to bend when they walk?
What does a hen need a battery for?
And why don’t pigs like pork?   
Do bees ever sneeze from the pollen they seize?
What jokes do hyenas find funny?
And back to those bees, do explain to me please:
What’s the use of a comb made of honey?
Why is a fire so hot?
And what can it do to cool down?
Will a fire that’s tired go out by itself
To a pub in the middle of town?
Do icebergs get tired of being frozen?
Do glaciers feel the damp?
Does the sun ever sweat?  (Think how wet it must get!)
And do fast-running rivers get cramp?
What makes a hailstone stony?
Whyever is thunder so loud?
(Its clapping’s so frightening, especially with lightning,
How can it all come from a cloud?)
Do satellite dishes need washing?
Do they really make witches from sand?
And considering things like its shortage of wings,
How on Earth does a rocketship land?
Is it true that a bat can play cricket?
How is it some Margarets are Pegs?
Do train engines really have bogeys?
Do newsreaders really have legs?
If things that can sink can be sunk
Can the thinking of thinkers be thunk?
And if doggie is just a long version of dog,
Is a monkey an oversized monk?
Is a snapper the same as a breaker?
Is a sleeper the same as a kipper?
And why must it be that the fish in the sea
Have their water with salt but no pepper?
If the people from Turkey are Turks
And the people from Serbia, Serbs;
If the Swiss, Finns and Danes have one syllable names
Then why aren’t the Germans called Germs?
These are the questions I’m asking.
These are the things I must know.
Until I get answers, I must be quite Francis,
My brain cannot possibly grow.
Our world is completely confusing,
Our language uniquely absurd;
It’s all such a riddle that soon every kid’ll
Prefer to be seen and not heard.

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