Coming slowly to a Remutaka Summit near you

By Ray Lilley Is it a bird, is it a plane? It’s a Billboard statement to travellers that they are entering a globally-acknowledged Dark Sky Reserve – one of only 21 such high-quality star-gazing environments operating worldwide.  Another 200 lower-ranked dark sky “places” across the globe have also been recognised …

Determined Pain Farm public meeting wants answers

By Ray Lilley More than five years after the Martinborough Community Board (MCB) asked South Wairarapa District Council (SWDC) to see “the books” (financial records) for the 85-hectare Pain Farm Estate south of the town _ only the board members have changed. Despite repeated requests to SWDC, they have seen …

How Well Do We Know People In Our Community?

By Lyle Griffiths Sue Sullivan is a well-known identity in our community. Where else are you greeted by “Hello Darling,” giving an immediate uplift to your day? And the Havana coffee is now a basic necessity of life.  Bruce and Sue both lived in Martinborough when the children were small, …

Wairarapa Moana – the long path to its return

Dishonesty, theft, treachery. Three little-used words in the history of colonisation in New Zealand. Those words don’t appear in the official documents which, in late 2021, set out the end to Crown ownership of Wairarapa Moana _ Lake Wairarapa, and its return to  local Iwi ownership. They do, however, underpin …

Recent Articles:

Featherston wrestlers go offshore

March 12, 2024 March 2024, Sports Comments Off on Featherston wrestlers go offshore

Two members of Featherston Amateur Wrestling Club’s senior class have again been asked to join a New Zealand team overseas. 

Wairangi Sargent and Angus Read will take part in the Journeymen Tournament and Training Camp over Easter in New York state. 

Over the week they are there they will be coached by coaches from around the world and compete against wrestlers from Mongolia to Italy and all the wrestling countries in between.

Check out the fundraising on our Facebook page or get in touch if you would like to support. … Continue Reading

Health facts of interest

March 12, 2024 March 2024 Comments Off on Health facts of interest

Ministry of Health nationwide figures show middling and good performances by Wairarapa District Health Board on some key measurements applied to the country’s 20 DHBs. 

1. Emergency Dept stays _ number of patients treated within the key six-hour treatment period:

                                           2022                  2023 

1st:     Tairawhiti                  96%                  95%

13th:   Wairarapa                  76%                  67%

Bottom: Capital & Coast    51%                  46% … Continue Reading

Key Pain Farm questions need public answers

March 12, 2024 March 2024 Comments Off on Key Pain Farm questions need public answers

By Councillor Aidan Ellims

In the last week or so, Pain Estate has been a hot topic of concern around town. This has stemmed from a submission by council staff to the Wairarapa Combined District Plan last year, designating the whole of Pain Estate, all 85 hectares, to be used for waste water disposal.

Some residents will be aware that George Pain’s will in 1932 “devised” certain lands to the

Martinborough Borough Council, upon Trust, to be held on behalf of the inhabitants of Martinborough for the purposes of creating a park and/or sportsground for the children and residents.

In 1966 as Martinborough was not growing and the Borough Council did not want any more parks or sportsgrounds, they sought a ruling from the Supreme Court to vary the will and allow that the income from the trust lands should be used in maintaining and improving the boroughs parks, sports grounds, camping ground, etc.

Fast forward to 2011, when Council obtained a legal opinion as to whether they could use Pain Estate income elsewhere around the South Wairarapa and whether they could use Pain Estate for the disposal of treated waste water to land. … Continue Reading

Apples and pears – from the trees

March 12, 2024 March 2024 Comments Off on Apples and pears – from the trees

Greytown’s Molewood Orchard has just opened its gates for Pick Your Own: apples and _ for the first time _ pears.

Last year was the first the family-run orchard opened to the public, which greeted the initiative with huge enthusiasm, as people travelled from throughout the Wairarapa and much further afield to pick fresh, sun-warmed fruit from the trees.

The Cooke family, who returned to managing Molewood Orchard in 2022, is delighted to be

preparing for another pick-your-own season and to build on the success of last year with a number of initiatives.

This season the orchard is offering pick-your-own pears as well as apples.  … Continue Reading


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Martinborough WFC: First-ever home game

The all-important stats: Result: Irrelevant, but Martinborough Women scored at least 2 good goals. Enjoyment factor: as a spectator 10/10 Enjoyment Factor: as a player: 11/10 Effort and commitment: off the scale. Possession: Marty 58%; the opponents in Green: at times a bit less Shots on target: 3; goals 2. …

Martinborough Golf

By Karen Stephens An annual favourite, the Beef & Burgundy Ambrose held on Friday 10 May, saw a great turnout in favourable conditions (thank goodness it wasn’t the previous day when winter arrived with full force!)  Top honours went to the team of Michael Bing, Shane Colton, Tiawharangi Aranui, and …

Golf clubhouse fundraising builds up

An amazing fundraising day for the new clubhouse was held on April 19 when 34 teams took to the course in an ambrose tournament. The winners on the day with net 54.87 were Taylor Dewis, Robbie Robinson, Tom de Groen and Liam Richardson.  The longest drive for men went to …

Regular Features

From The Mayor

By Martin Connelly Firstly, can I thank the Deputy Mayor for keeping this column going …


Matariki Rising from 29 June Nine stars herald the New Year Remutaka Hill Closures by …

How Well Do We Know People In Our Community?

By Lyle Griffiths Sue Sullivan is a well-known identity in our community. Where else are …

FIRE BRIGADE REPORT – Call-out milestone: SIX each week

Martinborough’s Volunteer Fire Brigade crews reached the 150 call-out milestone in May. That’s an average …

Matariki and family key to Aratoi winter exhibits

This season, Aratoi Wairarapa Museum of Art and History has a group of exhibitions that …


By Brenda Channer – Martinborough BookShop “Why Do Horses Run?” There is a maxim among …

Country Dog City Dog

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