Water upgrades must be user-pays projects
By Councillor Aidan Ellims
I want to cover two topics: first, the Greytown Water Treatment Plant consultation we are doing this month and then SUIP’s which have been a topic of conversation over the last month or so.
Firstly, 30 percent of Greytown’s water supply comes from a bore in Soldiers Memorial Park.
That bore/treatment plant are in poor condition and needs to be replaced. Consequently all ratepayers connected to our water supply/treatment plants will contribute to the funding of this project either via a District targeted rate, (Martinborough, Featherston and Greytown ratepayers) or a Local targeted for Greytown ratepayers.
There are three options on where the new bores/treatment plant should be placed in Greytown and Council need your input on where they should go, taking into consideration the costs for each option.
The first option within Memorial Park, where a new bore will be drilled and the water treatment plant with an estimated cost between $3.3m to $4m. The cost is between $66 and $80 per ratepayer, per year either by a District targeted rate or a mix of District targeted rate.
A District targeted rate means that all ratepayers across the whole South Wairarapa connected to town water supply will pay towards this project. … Continue Reading
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