Coming slowly to a Remutaka Summit near you

By Ray Lilley Is it a bird, is it a plane? It’s a Billboard statement to travellers that they are entering a globally-acknowledged Dark Sky Reserve – one of only 21 such high-quality star-gazing environments operating worldwide.  Another 200 lower-ranked dark sky “places” across the globe have also been recognised …

Determined Pain Farm public meeting wants answers

By Ray Lilley More than five years after the Martinborough Community Board (MCB) asked South Wairarapa District Council (SWDC) to see “the books” (financial records) for the 85-hectare Pain Farm Estate south of the town _ only the board members have changed. Despite repeated requests to SWDC, they have seen …

How Well Do We Know People In Our Community?

By Lyle Griffiths Sue Sullivan is a well-known identity in our community. Where else are you greeted by “Hello Darling,” giving an immediate uplift to your day? And the Havana coffee is now a basic necessity of life.  Bruce and Sue both lived in Martinborough when the children were small, …

Wairarapa Moana – the long path to its return

Dishonesty, theft, treachery. Three little-used words in the history of colonisation in New Zealand. Those words don’t appear in the official documents which, in late 2021, set out the end to Crown ownership of Wairarapa Moana _ Lake Wairarapa, and its return to  local Iwi ownership. They do, however, underpin …

Recent Articles:

Sewerage repair project stretches beyond year end?

April 5, 2024 April 2024 Comments Off on Sewerage repair project stretches beyond year end?

Desludging Martinborough’s neglected and troublesome sewerage ponds _ filled with 50 years of human detritis and never cleaned out since it opened for poop _ is scheduled to commence, yes begin, in October 2024.

That’s more than 16 months after the system was closed to new connections, 50 years after it first began collecting town sewerage _ and a June 2023 “hopeful” council prediction it would be back on line by mid-2025.

“We hope to have the plant compliant (with all Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) operating requirements) within 24 months,” Mayor Martin Connelly told The Star in June last year. 

Connections for new users went on hold mid-2023 after the plant failed to meet “performance and compliance standards,” a report from officials confirmed. … Continue Reading

Rainbow of colour saturates Considine Park

April 5, 2024 April 2024 Comments Off on Rainbow of colour saturates Considine Park

Considine Park was filled with colour tossers on Sunday 10 March, as the sun shone down to make it a perfect afternoon for family fun.

It is the second time a “colour run” event has been hosted in Martinborough as a colourful way to raise funds for a community project, this one for the Pump Track venue at the park.

The first was a fundraiser for the Waihinga Centre park upgrade. … Continue Reading


April 5, 2024 April 2024 Comments Off on COUNCIL NEWS

Average rates rise nationwide at 15 percent – April 2024

By Councillor Aidan Ellims

I’m writing this column on 20 March and over the last few days it has definitely had an

autumnal feel with cooler temperatures overnight and dew in the mornings. We’ve had a few showers of rain, however, not yet really enough to change the colour of the hills from brown to green.

Last month, Pain Estate was a hot topic of discussion and since then, council has obtained a new legal opinion, which has been included into a report detailing the Pain Farm History, Legality and Consultation for the Treated Waste Water Disposal. 

This report was presented at the Council meeting on 27 March and is available on the council website, under the agenda for that meeting. By the time this edition of The Martinborough Star has been published, we will all know how the Council meeting progressed. … Continue Reading

“Welcome to Marty” gets some Lions, Community Board work

April 5, 2024 April 2024 Comments Off on “Welcome to Marty” gets some Lions, Community Board work

Martinborough Lions Club has decided to step up its efforts to support the community’s new arrivals.

Following a recent article in The Star about “Welcoming Newcomers,” Martinborough Lions has decided to sponsor a section in The Star dedicated to promoting community activities. 

The initial article highlighted a common issue: many people are unaware of the activities available in our community unless they know someone involved. 

To bridge this gap, Lions are introducing the Community Activities Noticeboard in The


“We are thinking of the noticeboard having three parts,” Lions member Ashley Mudford said. … Continue Reading


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Martinborough WFC: First-ever home game

The all-important stats: Result: Irrelevant, but Martinborough Women scored at least 2 good goals. Enjoyment factor: as a spectator 10/10 Enjoyment Factor: as a player: 11/10 Effort and commitment: off the scale. Possession: Marty 58%; the opponents in Green: at times a bit less Shots on target: 3; goals 2. …

Martinborough Golf

By Karen Stephens An annual favourite, the Beef & Burgundy Ambrose held on Friday 10 May, saw a great turnout in favourable conditions (thank goodness it wasn’t the previous day when winter arrived with full force!)  Top honours went to the team of Michael Bing, Shane Colton, Tiawharangi Aranui, and …

Golf clubhouse fundraising builds up

An amazing fundraising day for the new clubhouse was held on April 19 when 34 teams took to the course in an ambrose tournament. The winners on the day with net 54.87 were Taylor Dewis, Robbie Robinson, Tom de Groen and Liam Richardson.  The longest drive for men went to …

Regular Features

From The Mayor

By Martin Connelly Firstly, can I thank the Deputy Mayor for keeping this column going …


Matariki Rising from 29 June Nine stars herald the New Year Remutaka Hill Closures by …

How Well Do We Know People In Our Community?

By Lyle Griffiths Sue Sullivan is a well-known identity in our community. Where else are …

FIRE BRIGADE REPORT – Call-out milestone: SIX each week

Martinborough’s Volunteer Fire Brigade crews reached the 150 call-out milestone in May. That’s an average …

Matariki and family key to Aratoi winter exhibits

This season, Aratoi Wairarapa Museum of Art and History has a group of exhibitions that …


By Brenda Channer – Martinborough BookShop “Why Do Horses Run?” There is a maxim among …

Country Dog City Dog

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