Maori Ward retention takes 10 minutes – October 2024
The historic 2023 decision to establish a Maori Ward in South Wairarapa was retained by unanimous vote at a council meeting last month _ with a three-year term assured to begin from the 2025 local body elections.
At the same election, the council will be forced to spend $20,000 on a central government-required referendum on whether the Maori representation ward should continue.
September’s Extraordinary meeting took just 10 minutes to retain the newly-minted ward. The meeting then ended amid gentle clapping and some tears.
Several councillors expressed anger and disappointment at the need to spend ratepayers’ money on a binding poll over the future of the Maori Ward beyond 2028.
“It is unfortunate this comes at a cost imposed on ratepayers by this central government” _ not this council _ Mayor Martin Connelly said ahead of the vote.
“I would like to take this opportunity to level the harshest possible criticism I can to our central government for putting us in this position,” said councillor Rebecca Gray.
Deputy Mayor Melissa Sadler-Futter was disappointed council had been forced to relitigate the Maori Ward decision. … Continue Reading
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